Tuesday, October 19, 2010

About taking care of environment

Being a green person isn't so easy. It implies to be persevering and to be constantly concerned about what are you eating, using, throwing out,clothing, consuming, etc. Besides, It implies to have an special attitude, to be firm with the cause what means that you will need a strong willpower if you don't use to be a "green".

I think that environmentally friendly practices are quite a new subject of discussion (not more than a few decades) and for that reason is a recently concern for the government and then for educational system. In spite of this, I think is precisely on school where people learn about it, and with new generations It is going to be learnt in family too.

In my own case, I have incorporated what I consider the most basic recycling habits: I'm taling about to avoid to throwing out papers on th street, Avoid to destroying flowers, and all the stuff of pasive actions like "if you don't help to make a better world please don't destroy it!"

I don't use a bike because I don't have one and I don't walk either. I use the public buses but I think It would be a better city (and even with more quick movement)If cycle paths were seriously considerer by authority.

I think people have not the main responsability at taking care of environment and for that reason I don't feel guilty about don't be donating money or my time to the cause. All we can do as individual person is small compared to what big corporations and companies can do to having a better world. In my opinion that's the real problem and our resonsability is don't make worse the situation.

For resume, there's a lot of things in orden to improve our world, protect life in earth or whatever you want call it. However, I think that responsabilities must be assigned to appropiate instances and don't laid the blame on common people.


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