Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The dirty money

As opposed to many people that use to say “Money doesn’t mean happiness” I think we must be careful asserting it. I mean, I think we must look around us and ask ourselves about the country and even the world what we are living in. In other words: If you enjoy doing, eating, playing, loving, reading, listening or whatever, probably you will need money to get it, and then more and more money if you want keep on getting it. Although it is a sad diagnosis I think it is realistic too, because money is an important “factial foundation” of freedom in our society.

So, if you ask me I must answer “yes, I would like to be wealthy”. Well, rather slightly wealthy, because although there’s a lot of projects and crazy ideas that I could realize with a lot of money I wouldn’t like to lose my constant search of “a meaning” (not a “celestial”, “absolute” or “neutral meaning, but “my own” way, always in change) in the life about I could living in it every day even when it will bring me to die

If I inherited a lot of money I probably would spend it in a few clear things: to paying mine and my parent’s bills, to buying a house in the Center, to buying myself an electric guitar and that’s all. However, I must say that all this come from my current lack of lunds and I cannot assert I would be the same if I had the dirty money in my hands. If I had be a millionaire probably will invest it in a restaurant or something like this, because I like this stuff, I don’t know: the movement, the loud, the music, the laughs, the party, the conversation.

Today money is as important as they are my projects. If I haven’t those I don’t care about having money. There are two or three in mind and for that reason I’m trying to earn something. I probably will working for it in this days.


Cristobal.stp said...

Seba, I completely agree with you: Money is power jaja!!

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